Breach Candy residents’ petition for changes to Coastal Road gathers steam | Mumbai news

MUMBAI: A petition demanding an alternative exit of the Coastal Road at Napean Sea Road, that started on September 12, has gathered steam quickly with residents of Breach Candy, Malabar Hills and Napean Sea Road managing to gather 2,487 signatures till the time of going to print.

NIMBY factor leads Breach Candy residents to demand alt Coastal Road entry and exit
NIMBY factor leads Breach Candy residents to demand alt Coastal Road entry and exit

As the support nears their goal of 2,500 signatures, members of the Breach Candy Residents Forum (BCRF), which floated the petition, have already sent it across to the chief minister, deputy chief ministers, and the BMC municipal commissioner.

“The alternative exit will be advantageous not only for residents of Breach Candy but also of Walkeshwar, Napean Sea Road and Malabar Hills, as that way, they won’t have to pass through the traffic at Amarchand junction once they descend the Coastal Road,” said Nigum Lakhani, who started the petition on “The roads there are so narrow, it takes between two to three signals to pass it, extending the time taken to cross 2km to 30-45 minutes in peak traffic. An alternative exit will help them reap the benefits of the Coastal Road better.”

The next step, according to him, would be to press the authorities concerned to follow up on their demand. “As the petition has garnered so much support, we will now put pressure on the authorities to consider it. Even the CM would benefit with the alternative exit as he is a frequent user of the Coastal Road, although he does not experience the traffic as the roads are cleared for him.”

HT had reported on September 11 about the demand for an alternative exit, with the residents of Breach Candy vocal about the troubles they faced from the massive cavalcades of VIP vehicles often zipping by.

When asked about the feasibility of a new exit, Lakhani said that while the exit at Napeansea Road was floated in the earlier phases of the Coastal Road’s planning, it was changed later for reasons unknown. He added, “We looked at the space next to Priyadarshini Park. There is enough space for another set of inroads onto the Coastal Road. There is no need for a ramp or any other construction even.”

However, an official from the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) put a dampener on the enthusiasm when he said that an alternative exit is highly “unlikely”. “The Coastal Road’s exit was planned next to Tata Gardens because the BMC owned the plot beside it. A petition in the Bombay high court to move it northward was rejected due to technical reasons. There are only privately-owned plots in the area to connect the Coastal Road to Napean Sea Road. So, while it may not be impossible, it is very unlikely,” said the official from the civic body.

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