Muslims skip Muharram procession in favour of serving people | Mumbai news

Mumbai: The tradition of participating in a “Tazia” procession during Muharram, observed on Tuesday, seems to be fading fast. Now, the tenth day of the holy month of Muharram is mostly associated with a humble drink “sherbet” which holds a deep meaning. Muharram is observed in remembrance of the martyrdom of Hussain, grandson of the Prophet Mohammad, in the battle of Karbala.

The ritual carries centuries of belief and tradition. The community puts up kiosks on roads to serve sherbets to passersby to commemorate the thirsty martyrs who died in the battle of Karbala. The drink made of milk is served to slake the thirst of weary passersby as an act of charity. The aromatic sherbet contains dry fruits and cardamom.

Hasib Bhatkar, president, Jamat-e-Islami-Hind in Mumbai told HT, “The tazia and processions have reduced. Earlier, we used to have long processions but a realisation struck that the focus should be on serving people and observing rozas. People from our community realised that we can remember our Imam Hussain through other methods. He was kept hungry and thirsty for ten days. Hence this tradition of serving sherbet to weary travellers is observed as a remembrance.”

The community also believes that their Prophet’s grandson was martyred for uttering his truth, he said. “We don’t want travellers roaming in the scorching sun to face the same hardships. Imam Hussain stood for freedom of speech and for rights. Instead of political fascism, democracy should prevail. He became a martyr for that sole reason. Hence, we strive to not get boggled by traditions and do not invest time participating in tazia processions,” said Bhatkar.

Sabir Sayed, a member of Mahim Dargah managing committee, said, “We have retained this tradition of serving sherbet. 1,400 years back Imam Hussain was martyred by Yazids who were Muslims but they did not follow the rules of Prophet Mohammed. Yazid tortured people and was against Islam. After asking Imam Hussain to follow him, Yazid confined him and his family of 72 members in Karbala.”

They were tortured in a tent for 10 days and deprived of food and water, Sayed added.

“In his remembrance, Muslims feed people. Since he was denied water, Muslims go a step ahead and offer sherbet. We also cook khichda, pulav and distribute them to the poor. This day signifies that truth will prevail no matter how much one suffers. One has to be patient and steadfast on the right path, one should follow one’s principles and be caring towards friends, family and society. It is a month of sacrifice,” he said.

This day is not only associated with Imam Hussein but also with Prophet Noah, whose ship was brought onto shore on this day. “There are also incidents related to Prophet Moses or Prophet Ibrahim on this day. Hence Muharram is a pious day for us for many reasons,” said Sayed.

Besides sherbet, Muslims prepare kheer and distribute it to neighbours irrespective of caste and creed. “We recite the Koran and pray that whatever we have cooked should be blessed. We also pray for the good to be passed onto those Muslims who have passed away,” Sayed explained.

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